Warlords of Draenor

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Re: Warlords of Draenor

Post by Hergoth » Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:10 am

We’ll be performing unscheduled maintenance on all EU realms beginning at 7 am CEST in order to address issues with realm stability. We anticipate this process will last approximately 4 hours and appreciate your patience during this time.

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Re: Warlords of Draenor

Post by Ninja » Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:44 am

Snad to pomůže :-)

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Re: Warlords of Draenor

Post by xax » Sat Nov 15, 2014 8:52 am

Earlier this evening, community manager Bashiok provided an update on World of Warcraft's server stability issues.
Warlords Launch Update
We're making preparations for the Europe maintenance beginning in just an hour, and along with hardware upgrades we will be implementing some of the performance improvements we've been testing. One of these is a fairly large change to the way the game world is run by the servers-expanding the phasing tech used for the Tanaan intro experience to the entire continent of Draenor. This will allow us to run multiple copies of Draenor simultaneously, spreading out server population, while attempting to keep guilds and parties within the same copy. We're currently running tests of this tech on a few North American realms, and have found we're able to raise realm capacity by a significant amount. We'll continue to provide updates as we progress through the Europe maintenance, and prepare to apply the same changes on the Americas and Oceanic realms.

Running multiple instances of an overworld zone is a long-lived practice in MMO games in general, even dating back to games contemporary with the launch of WoW in 2004. Until now, Blizzard has tried to avoid implementing such a thing to preserve their philosophy of the game's social aspects -- the idea of a persistent world shared with other players. Now, for the sake of stability, Blizzard is finally implementing it. We could debate their philosophy given their implementation of phasing in questing, but that's not necessarily applicable when talking about instancing entire servers. Whether it's a temporary measure or not, time will tell.

In addition, Blizzard has released a new round of hotfixes. Like yesterday's numerous hotfixes, many of these are aimed at questflow issues, and others at bugs in gameplay. You can find the hotfixes below.
Hotfixes for November 14
Garrisons, Followers, and Outposts
Mine: Mining carts should now be easier to spot and should contain more than 1 piece of ore.
Rangari Jonaa and Limbflayer should now spawn in for characters that have selected the Sparring Arena for their outpost in Gorgrond.
Artificer Romuul: Resolved an issue where characters were not receiving the quest.
Resolved an issue where the balance cycle may incorrectly force the Druid to stand up.
Defense of Karabor: Resolved an issue where characters may not receive completion credit for the quest.
I See Dead People: Resolved an issue where Bryan Finn may become unresponsive.
Kaelynara Sunchaser: Resolved an issue where characters were unable to return to their bodies in Spirit Form if they die inside the Jorune Mines.
Leave Nothing Behind!: Kur'ak the Binder now spawns more frequently.
Mulverick's Plight: Increased the drop rate for Mulverick's Axe.
Save Wolf Home: Gronnstalker Korhol, Beastmaster Trokar, and Giantslayer Zhakta should now spawn more frequently. Additionally, resolved an issue where characters may be unable to complete profession quests while this quest is active.
The Defense of Karabor: Resolved an issue where completing this quest may cause characters to be unable to progress if they're also on the quest for The Righteous March.
Echo of Murmur now spawns more frequently.
Made a pass on a number of rare creatures to allow multiple players to receive credit for personal loot if they helped defeat them.
Reduced the density of Squirrels in Nagrand and, critters and Icespine Hatchlings in Frostfire Ridge.
zdroj: http://wow.joystiq.com/2014/11/15/hotfi ... ty-update/

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Re: Warlords of Draenor

Post by fish » Sat Nov 15, 2014 2:41 pm

Psal jsem to online, ale jeste pridam sem: provozovat vyrobni profesi bez odpovidajiciho baracku je extremne nevyhodny. Cimz se zodpovida dotaz na vyhodnost tech domecku. Zaroven "sbiraci" domecky v zadnym pripade neohrozej ekonomiku, ani vyhodnost sbiracich profesi. Na vetsinu veci je dost dlouhej CD.

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Re: Warlords of Draenor

Post by Ninja » Sat Nov 15, 2014 9:30 pm

Můj mine (důl) lvl 2 je doslova plný ORE :)
A pak je tu takovej jeden baráček co umí konvertovat jedny surky za druhé a naopak :mrgreen:

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Re: Warlords of Draenor

Post by Keonax » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:40 am

Message from J. Allen Brack:
In recognition of the difficulties so many of you ran into when trying to play over the first few days, we're adding five days’ worth of extra time to every subscription in the Americas, Oceania, and Europe that was active as of Friday, November 14. Things are already in a much better place than they were going into the weekend, so I hope you’ll now be able to focus on having a ton of fun with this expansion.
Plná zpráva zde: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15269759060

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Re: Warlords of Draenor

Post by Ninja » Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:55 am

Ha, byl jsem o 6 min rychlejší :-)

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Re: Warlords of Draenor

Post by fish » Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:08 am

Behem vcerejska se zmenily pravidla na loot v dungu. Nejdriv zrusili personal loot, protoze lidem prislo divny probehnout instanci, aniz by videli neco padnout (pripominam, ze v personal lootu hra automaticky prideluje itemy bez rollu a hadani, kdo co vyuzije lepe). Sance na loot pritom statisticky mela byt stejna, jako kdybyste museli cekat jestli nahodny item z bosse bude zrovna pro vas a jeste vyhrajete roll, jen to proste pusobilo nezvykle. Po zmene se ale ukazalo, ze kriklounu se spatnym pocitem bylo min nez lidi, kterym vyhovovalo to, ze se nemuseji po kazdym bossovi zastavit a hadat se nad lootem...
Takze Blizzard sahnul k variante, ze ktery nakonec ziskame vic nez jen zpusob lootu. Vratili zpatky personal loot, ale aby lidem neprislo, ze nic nepada, tak zvedli drop :) A to dokonce i pro klasicky zpusob lootu, ktery se pouziva v guildovnim runu:
- z posledniho bosse bude padat vic typu itemu
- pri personal lootu budete mit 100% sanci na nejaky item z posledniho bosse
- pri group lootu bude padat o jeden item navic

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Re: Warlords of Draenor

Post by fish » Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:06 am

Pokud pujdete na world bosse, dejte si pozor, abyste byli u pullu. Vcera jsem se pridal do raidu a nez jsem doletel, boss uz byl na 80%. Prestoze jsem se pak ucastnil boje, nedostal jsem loot, prestoze by melo stacit pridat se kdykoli behem boje (mozna hralo roli to ze jsem dostal invite po pullu, tezko rict).
V dalsi parte uz to proslo bez problemu, az na to ze jsem dostal dvojity goldy ;)

Tarlna a Drov se stridaji po tydnu a na relamu je aktivni jen jeden. Takze je to o stesti, aby se vam podarilo narazit na partu z jinyho realmu, kde maji spawnutyho toho druhyho.

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Re: Warlords of Draenor

Post by fish » Sun Dec 21, 2014 1:44 pm

Konecne jsem se dostal k tomu, abych si uvod datadisku zahral za hordu. Tesil jsem se, ze zacatek bude alespon zpestrenej nejakejma rozdilama. Bohuzel, cely "intro" je uplne stejny, vcetne toho, ze vyzvedavate Yrel (cekal jsem ze horda bude mit svyho sampiona). Jediny co se lisi, ze skupinka uprchliku, ktera s vami obcas bezi, nejsou draeneiove, ale orci a par taurenu (coz nechapu, kde ty se v Draenoru vzali).

Na druhou stranu uvodni questy jsou dialogama a pribehem zabavnejsi. Zajimavy je prvni setkani s Frostwolf klanem, s Durotanem a cekam jak se vyvine jejich interakce s Thrallem (zatim se tvarej, jakoze nejsou pribuzny). A jeden priklad za vsechny ohledne vtipku, ktery mi u hordy prijdou castejsi. Scena, kdy Khadgar otevira portal do Azerothu pro vstup posil na stavbu garrison:
Jako prvni z portalu vyleze goblin Gazlowe.
Khadgar: Coze, ty duverujes goblinum a nechas je postavit zakladnu?
Thrall: Samozrejme. Tohle je Gazlowe, poveril jsem ho uz stavbou Orgrimmaru!
Gazlower: O ano, Orgrimmar, nedobytna pevnost.
Khadgar: Ja myslel, ze ho nedavno cely vyplenili?
Gazlowe: Dobre, dobre, ale bylo to jen jedno uplne maly pleneni.

PS: maji tam asi nejakej rozbitej random. Prvni follower epic, druhej epic, treti rare :)

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